Thursday, December 13, 2007

4 weeks out!

I'm four weeks out from my hip resurfacing surgery today. No film today; I don't have Boppa around for the commentary anyway. I'm back at home in my condo (on the third floor, no stairs). Getting up the stairs is okay; I just plan my trips and have help so I'm not constantly running up and down.

I started back to work some this week. I've been going into the office for several hours each day and also doing some work from home. Last night I took of my stockings (the lovely anti-embolism T.E.D.s) and my left (operated) foot was swollen. I've heard of this happening after surgery, but the fact that it hadn't been noticeably swollen up until then (even after surgery) worried me a little. I was pretty active, working and then straightening up at home, so I decided to work from home today and keep my feet up. I think it worked--it doesn't look swollen at all anymore. Of course I'm bored to tears and missing a backyard bonfire as I write, but it's too hot for a bonfire anyway. Right??

Oh--one other hip-related thing happened. As I've said before, I'm not supposed to bend the hip over 90 degrees. In other words, I can sit up straight but can't lean forward. When lying down, I can bend the knee but can't pull the knee forward to my chest. Etc. Anyway, I was sound asleep and my beloved cat Poe was snuggling up to me (something he hasn't done much since I've been back--he's still a little mad at me for leaving him). I awoke to hear, at close range, the gagging sound he makes right before he coughs up a hairball or pukes. This cat weighs 17 pounds and is very stubborn, so pushing doesn't work--you have to pick him up. I sat up and threw him off the bed just in time! As soon as I did so I felt pain in the hip and thought, uh-oh, I forgot to be careful about the 90 degrees... I was still mostly asleep so I'm not sure how much I bent but IF it was more than I was supposed to, it wasn't by much--I don't think I could do much more even if I tried. In any case it feels fine, thank goodness. I was a little worried how I was going to explain to the doctor "um, I dislocated my resurfacing trying to avoid getting puked on by the cat..."


hundredsofbillions said...

hey meg, I thought about you this morning while putting on my boots. Did you ever find some comfy winter boots without heels?

Lollie said...

Hey Meg,
Long time no see! We avoid Lizzie's(our cat) sneezes like you were avoiding Poe's puke! I can totally relate. I hope you didn't do any damage and that it is feeling OK today.
I'll try to keep up with you better. Mama has been keeping me up to date with your progress. Hope to see you soon!