Sunday, December 23, 2007

5 week check-up

I can't believe how long it's been since I posted... I've been busy! Last week I was back at work full-time and it went pretty well. I need to get up and walk around pretty often, or else my hip gets stiff and sore. Wednesday I had my five-week check-up here in Atlanta with Dr. Steven Smith. The x-ray of the resurfacing looked good and the doctor told me I could transition to walking without a cane. The right hip looks good too, so far. Of course I started immediately walking around the office without a cane to show off--and after I sat down and did some work, then got back up, *ouch* the muscles were sore!

I've still got a bit of a limp, which is worse when I've been sitting and first get up and am stiff and sore. Once I get going I don't think it's very noticeable, although I haven't made another video yet. Yesterday Danielle and I did all kinds of shopping and I was on my feet for hours--way longer than I've spent doing that kind of thing for a while! I was definitely sore but this morning I'm fine. Before the surgery, I couldn't have spent that much time on my feet, and would hardly be able to get up out of bed the next day. The muscles still get quite sore, but I'm looking forward to physical therapy which should help me with that.


Lillian said...

I'm glad to read (and watch) that things are coming along well, post-surgery. Yay! I hope you have a lovely holiday, Meg. :)

ermaloff said...

Wanna start running with me?

Meg said...

um, I don't think I'm ready for running! Personally I think running is a great way to get cardiovascular exercise at the expense of your joints... and for people who already have joint issues probably not a good idea. Besides, ever since I've been a grown-up, I just haven't thought it was very fun.

I'll walk with you anywhere you like! :-)

heather edelblute said...

Happy New Year, Meg! Glad to hear that things are going well. That is so cute about your niece. ;)

I'm teaching my first class - 65 UGA undergrads! Glad the weekend is almost here.


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