Friday, December 7, 2007

The Famous Sock Putter-On-er

My parents seem to be fascinated with this tool so I wanted to share with you... I can't bend the hip more than 90 degrees so I can't reach over to put on socks (or to shave my legs--so I got 'em waxed today). The hospital sent me home with this nifty tool to help with the socks. I also have a grabber to put the sock and tool over the foot to start out, and to take the sock off, pick things up off the floor, etc.

Thanks to Anne for the photo which is great, other than the funny face I'm making (hey, I'm concentrating!).

To answer yesterday's comment, yes, I'm talking with other people who have had the procedure. I found listservs for people with my condition and also for people who have had this surgery. It's very helpful to be able to communicate with others in the same boat, and I've also learned a lot that way. It's nice to be in touch with people who can relate to my specific experience, but really, I think anyone who's ever had to deal with something sucky in life can relate just fine! Besides, just knowing that so many people are rooting for me makes a big difference in my attitude and morale.


Bobby C said...

Hey - did you make that quilt yourself?

Unknown said...

Hi, I stumbled on your site and think its great what you are doing! Oddly enough, I'm an engineering student and assignment for this semester is to optimize that famous sock putter on-er for patients who wear compressive hose. Unlike regular socks, the compressive hose have immense elasticity and are nearly impossible to stretch out with your mare hands. Do you have any comments/concerns/suggestions with your sock putter on-er??