Friday, August 24, 2007

The Long Set of Stairs Home

So I'm almost home, have been staying with a friend for a few days and am glad to be back intown closer to friends (although I miss my family, especially those nieces). Tomorrow I'll be heading home. I'm excited about being there but I'm nervous about the climb up the stairs to the third floor. Thank goodness there are landings halfway up. I'm also a little worried that everyone will think I'm fine now that I'm home again, and I'll be stuck with a lot of smelly garbage to take out!! Carrying stuff with crutches is way harder than it should be.

The good news is my arms are getting pretty buff from using the crutches all the time. I've been showing off my guns to everybody that I've seen...

1 comment:

Bobby C said...

LMAO @ your "guns". :-)