Monday, August 27, 2007

Cabin Fever

I was hoping to get back to the office today after one week off and one week of working from home, but this weekend I came down with the dreaded Summer Cold. I thought it was allergies until the moment when I was at Whole Foods with Trusty Sidekick Danielle and felt like I'd been hit over the head with a sledgehammer. Although I do complain about working in a cube, I terribly miss my friends at work and the general routine. Also, I can't wait to get back to the gym... I'm waiting for my wound to heal up before getting in the pool which is frustrating too, since swimming would make me feel better.

The good news is I finally got around to working on some tables today that I had been trying to get to for a while, so I did accomplish something!

1 comment:

ermaloff said...

I love that I'm a label.